Wednesday, January 18, 2017

lntroduction to a Future Physical Therapist

Hello guys!

My name is Melanie, and I am a senior Health and Exercise Science Major. I graduate in May, thank goodness. It's been a long 5 years, and I'm so glad it's finally coming to an end, sort of.

After graduation, I am moving back home to take extra classes so I can apply to several PT schools next spring. Once I finish with PT school, I would love to work in a Cardiac Rehab somewhere other than Oklahoma. Fingers crossed for Colorado. I've also recently discovered that Physical Therapists can become certified to work with animals, so I have been considering doing that as well.

Unfortunately, I was stuck in Norman all of break due to work and an intercession class, so I was unable to do anything exciting. Though last semester, I did go on a cruise to Mexico, and I went to Branson around Thanksgiving. I'm hoping to go somewhere over Spring Break to help tame my senioritis for the remainder of the semester.

I have so many favorite movies and TV shows that it is impossible to narrow it down to just one. Any and all Disney movies are some of those on my list. I don't think I could ever get tired of them. I was a huge Walking Dead fan until this last season, which was really disappointing. I'm also in love with Sherlock, I highly suggest it to anyone that has not watched it before. I love almost any type of music, and honestly Christmas music is my absolute favorite. I could listen to it year round (gross, I know).

I have one dog, and her name is Emma. She's a 3 year old Pyrenees/Shepherd mix, and I love her to death.
Emma on Halloween 2014

I am always down for Mexican/Tex-Mex food. I could live off of it. Anything with red sauce, I could live without. Besides pizza, depending on where it is from. Other than that, I'm not a fan. I also love to bake things of any kind. Cupcakes are my favorite thing to make from scratch. 

Well, that's just a little bit about myself. Hopefully it wasn't too boring. 


  1. Hi Melanie! Early congrats on graduating! I am also graduating in May majoring in Health and Exercise Science! Good luck with PT schools! It will definitely be worth it in the end! And fingers crossed about Colorado! My aunt and uncle live there and it is so pretty, I love it! Your little dog looks so cute! I love dogs! I have a few of my own!

  2. Hey Melanie! Congrats, you're almost done! I am still figuring out what I want to do so it might take me a little bit more time, but I'm sure I will figure it out soon. I am not that big of a baker but I do like eating all of that stuff. I love Disney movies too, my favorite is Beauty and the Beast.

  3. Melanie,

    I am also an HES major, but I will not be graduating until December. I am also considering PT schools and the process is stressful. I think it is great that you would like to work in either Cardiac Rehab or with animals (how cool!). Your dog is so cute! I am a huge dog lover and think the world of my dogs. Do you have a favorite Mexican food place? Tex-mex is my absolute favorite as well!

  4. I know what you mean about Christmas music, Melanie: it is such a great part of what happens during the holiday season. And of course there are all kinds of legends and stories associated with some of the Christmas carols, like Saint Wenceslas or the Three Wise Men, and on and on... it might feel weird, but you could do a Christmas-story project for this class which would be a good excuse to listen to Christmas music. It would be research! :-)

  5. Hey, Melanie! First of all, congratulations on graduating! My fiancé and I had plans on going on vacation (either a road trip or a cruise) this past winter break, but unfortunately I had work and intercession classes as well, so I feel your pain. However, not being able to go was probably a blessing in disguise because now we have more money to do a better vacation this spring break before graduation. Disney movies are cool. My personal favorite is Tarzan, because he's a beast and he can talk to animals, you can't beat that. Have a great rest of your semester!

  6. If I would have read this post a year ago, I would have been appalled by your fondness of Christmas music. But something clicked in me in the last year, and now I, too, could listen to Christmas music year-round. Congrats on finishing up school! I hope you make it to Colorado (it's one of my favorite places). And yes, you are 100% correct about Sherlock. FANTASTIC show, though I'm sad that it would be YEARS until the next season if they are to make more. Also jealous you have a dog to love to death. My family is more of a cat-loving family.

  7. Hey Melanie! It's nice to meet you! Congrats on graduating! I feel the excitement too! I wish you the best of luck with PT school!

    I too share a love of Christmas! I always go all out with decorations, outfits, and music! It's nice to meet someone who might enjoy the music as much as I do!

    I love your dog! She looks like a sweetheart! I can't say I share the same fondness of TV shows that you do, but I used to be up to date on a few!

  8. I love your dog!! I have 3 right now (just got a pug mix that looks like the dog from MIB... also named frank, Emily a lab-pit mix that is a therapy dog and loves to visit old people in the hospital, and Bugster a chihuahua that just loves to be with Emily.) My sister will be getting a Pyrenees mix pup this weekend too! I hope she turns out as cute as yours! I am a total foodie but Mexican is always my go to. Congrats and good luck with PT school!

  9. Hey Melanie,
    What makes you want to go to Colorado for work in Cardiac Rehab? Do you like the colder weather? I think that sounds awesome. Emma is really cute and that's such a great picture of her on Halloween. The way she tilted her head is priceless! Good luck with PT school!

  10. Hello Melanie! Great to meet you. That's so awesome that you are going to be a physical therapist. I think Colorado would be an amazing place to live (if I didn't live here, I would definitely live in Colorado). I also have to agree that Sherlock is such an amazing show. The ending of this last season was so crazy, though (hopefully you've seen it). Anyway, you seem really great and I'm excited to read what you've written.

  11. Hi Melanie! Your dog is super cute! I wish I had one. I also absolutely adore Christmas music and can listen to it year round. Michael Buble and Bing Crosby are my favorite Christmas music singers. I also love watching Christmas movies in any season with White Christmas and Love Actually being my favorites. I hope you're able to finish PT soon and move where you like! Good luck!

  12. Congratulations on graduating this semester; I know exactly how you feel. I am so ready to graduate and get out of Oklahoma! I like nearly all the Disney movies as well; I recently saw the newest Beauty and the Beast and it was so good (if you have not seen it yet, you need to)!
    You puppy baby is adorable and has such a pretty name!

  13. That’s awesome that you’re graduating in May! It’s got to feel very nice. I think it is cool that you want to be a physical therapist; that was one of the career paths I considered. I didn’t know they could get certified to work with animals though. That is so awesome! Your dog is so cute! I love the picture you included. Good luck finishing out your final semester!

  14. Hello! Ha, we have the same introduction title! I am also graduating in May and then going to Physical Therapy school this fall. Your dog is so cute! I would definitely love to live in Colorado once I finish grad school. I have always been partial to the mountains. That is so cool that you are interested in the animal aspect of PT. I have heard of that before, but I don’t know much about it. Have a great rest of the semester!

  15. Hi Melanie, congratulations on graduating! Hope you have fun at PT school. Sucks that you were stuck in Norman during break, but you're going home soon so that must be exciting. Also, when it comes to Christmas music, my favorite song is White Christmas! I could listen to it forever. The only song I don't like is Feliz Navidad because I once heard it on repeat for 10 hours.

  16. Hi Melanie! I’m graduating too, but you are a lot more excited than I am. Best of luck with what’s to come. Also, Emma is absolutely perfect, she looks so sweet in that pink skirt. I also love Christmas music. When I was little, I watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the one with Jim Carrey) year-round. Anyways, I’m a huge Tex-Mex person as well. It was nice sort of getting to know you!

  17. Hello Melanie! Well it is Week 15 and finally I have made my way to your introduction post. I am graduating this year as well, and I share your excitement with being finished with our undergraduate years. I think if you live in this portion of the country it is almost a requirement to enjoy Tex-Mex, meeting someone who doesn’t in the region would be rather bizarre.

  18. Hi, Melanie!
    Yay, you’re almost done. I also love Disney movies. I’m trying to get into the Walking Dead, but it seems like everyone hates this season! So maybe I shouldn’t get into it? Awwww, Emma is very cute. Is that a tutu on her?! Very adorable. Oh my gosh, yes I love tex-mex/ Mexican food too!! Good luck on all your future endeavors!

  19. Congrats on almost graduating! Colorado sounds like an awesome state to live in! I have a friend from there and he always talks about how beautiful it is. Physical therapy is such a cool profession too, and did you say you were considering going into physical therapy for animals? Because that sounds like an amazing job. Also your dog is absolutely adorable!

  20. Hey Melanie! I am a future occupational therapist so I totally understand the amount of work you have had to put in these part 5 years! I live in Colorado so I am rooting for you that you get in to your school there! It is so beautiful year round!

  21. Hi Melanie!
    I am so sorry that I am just now, here in week 15, getting around to introducing myself! Congrats on almost graduating. I am in the exact same boat and I am kinda freaking out a little. How are you holding up?! I am super excited that you have such cool pieces from this semester. Keep up the good work after it’s over.

  22. Hey Melanie! It's nice to finally get to your blog, even though it's the final week of the semester. I am a huge Walking Dead fan, but I agree that this past season wasn't all that great. If you stuck it out for the finale though, that was really intense. Anyways, good luck with your future as a physical therapist and I hope everything works out!

  23. Congrats on graduating. Hopefully you are able to find a good place to move to work as a PT of some kind. I too, use to love spicy food such as Tex-mex, and when I was able to eat it, 'hole in the wall' restaurants were definitely the best kinds. Again, congrats on graduating.

  24. Hi Amanda! Wow your dog is so cute!! Thank you for sharing this little piece of yourself with us. I hope you enjoyed this class as much as I have and hope that you are getting everything completed with or are already done. I wish you luck in your future endeavors! You can do anything that you set your mind to doing!
