Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Week 8 Growth Mindset

For each class, I think I have strengths and weaknesses for each. For this class, I think on of my strengths would be being open to any and all feedback. I really enjoy getting feedback from my fellow classmates and professor about what I can do to better my stories and writing. This also relates to being confident that I can improve. Writing has always been a big hobby of mine. I used to write crazy stories all the time when I was younger. Since being in college, I haven't been able to do much of that anymore. Being in this class has challenged me to get back into writing once again. It has allowed me to be creative with my writing. Instead of writing the short corky stories I wrote when I was younger, I'm able to write longer stories that have direction. Another thing I really enjoy about this class is that it does focus on learning more than it is about grades. Most classes you are stuck taking tests and quizzes and other participation tactics to earn your grade. This is the first class that I've taken that has allowed me to make my own schedule and actually have fun while I'm earning a grade. It's focusing more on the content than it is passing. 

One thing I am really bad at, is waiting until the last minute to do anything, for any class. I usually have assignments in another class so things get pushed back until I realize that it's due tomorrow and it needs to be done. Between going to school full time as well as working a full time job and occasionally traveling back home for another, I really don't have much down time. I barely get enough sleep most nights. Many times, I have to lay down and take a nap so once again something gets pushed back until it's almost too late. 

Luckily I think over the last couple weeks, I have figured out a way to better manage my time that will allow me to get things done in an appropriate amount of time (It's only taken half a semester to do so, lol). 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Melanie! The Ryan Gosling meme that you have in the beginning made me feel like I just had to read this post! I really like that you are aware of your strengths and some weaknesses! It is awesome that you feel like you are learning in the class and not just trying to get a grade! I really like that about this class too! It is great that you are so open to critique and suggestions! That is sometimes a very difficult thing to accept! I'm sorry your schedule is so hectic! I'm glad to hear you're starting to get it figured out though!
